Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:18 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Siamese Dream
Song Author
Billy Corgan
File Size
49 KB
Feel it Break your bones Mis-t-er Jones Taste me as I bleed Taste m-y need and Space-boy I missed yo-u Spinn-ing r-ound my he-ad And an-y way you choose m-e you'll break in-stea-d Watch me death def-y De-file m-y life I don't nee-d I don't care Please I wann-a g-o home I wann-a g-o ho-m-e I wann-a g-o home I wann-a g-o ho-m-e 'Cause when a lov-er bre-ak-s that's when a love-r a-che-s I wann-a g-o home I wann-a g-o ho-me Space-boy they'll kill m-e Be-fore I'm de-ad and go-ne And an-y way you choose m-e It won't be wron-g And an-y way you choose m-e we won't be-long We won't be-lo-ng We wo-n't be-lo-ng We won't be-lon-g We wo-n't be-lon-g We won't be-lon-g
This tab was created using the following software:
Guitar Pro 5.2
Amazing Slow Downer 3.2.3
This tab has been optimised to be played back
with both MIDI and the RSE.
Update History:
[ 4th January 2011 ]
* Tab completed